Sunday, July 23, 2006


I do most of my thinking at one of two times: 1) while running or 2) in the shower. So it probably will come as no surprise to those of you who know me that I was contemplating something while jogging through the über-humid air earlier this afternoon. My conversation with myself went something like this...

In several aspects of my life, I try to achieve improvement from day to day. I want to be more efficient at work, I want to be more productive at home, I want to make fewer mistakes when I'm playing basketball on Wednesdays, I want to expand my appreciation for differing styles of music, I want to maintain a healthy mind and body. But those are all goals that have nothing to do with social or interpersonal skills. So... here's the question: do I isolate myself from others in my pursuit of personal improvement? If I had to take a stab at answering my own question, I'd say, "Nope." But do I really believe that, or is it wishful/hopeful thinking?

Put it this way: I know I need to improve. I know that change is inevitable. I know I need to adapt from day to day. I'm constantly fighting an internal battle... telling myself that I shouldn't sit idly by in a state of isolation and complacency, waiting for the world to come to me. But that doesn't mean I'm willing to hear it from everyone else. It's the weirdest thing... if my habits are challenged by another, I'm agitated. Or I may shrug it off. At any rate, it's usually not a pleasant experience for either one of us. But when I'm alone and have time to think about the best and worst parts of me, I'll probably come to the same conclusion as the first person. My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is found in the title of this post. Research it and you might see what I mean.

Anyway... that first thought carried me into another consideration: Introverts (at least in my case) are their own worst critics, while extroverts probably take constructive criticism a little better in general. Agree? Disagree? Willing to share your thoughts? Share them if you'd like. Give me something to think about the next time I'm out for a run or taking a shower.


At 7:15 PM, July 24, 2006, Blogger heidiy said...

I follow instructions well (perhaps it's in my own Myers-Briggs "type"?). Upon researching INFJ, I found a little description (possibly wiki-based?!) you might be interested in:

And to answer your question, I absolutely think that extroverts take constructive criticism better than introverts. It is, of course, a social activity (the act of giving/receiving constructive criticism... assuming there are two people involved!); and since extroverts are generally/almost always more comfortable in social situations than us introverts, they would, undeniably, be more at ease.

Well... that's just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth... the I-have-too-much-time-on-my-hands-b/c-I'm-stuck-in-an-airport-again! opinion of an ISFP (which, btw, if you look up on the same site, is not all that good to be!). Anyway, just wanted you to have a comment to ponder for your next run/shower.


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