Monday, December 11, 2006

In 4 words

One of the local radio shows, Candy & Potter on 107.9, has listeners call in on Monday and sum up their weekend in 4 words. Sometimes the stories are obvious, sometimes hilarious, and sometimes just plain weird. I thought I'd try it today since I'm too chicken to call into the station.

Our weekend in four words.....hole, shopping, food, Church.

I know....seems pretty obvious, but I'll explain anyway.

We woke up Saturday morning to a mysterious hole in our backyard. I noticed Friday afternoon when I got home that there was a new stake in the middle of our yard. We woke up the next morning to about a 2 foot hole that revealed a man hole cover where the stake was. There's a couple issues with this.....who dug the hole, when did they dig the hole, and was the man hole cover already there....or did they uncover it. We're assuming it's part of the drainage easement on our property....the mystery continues. Good thing we haven't done much to the yard yet or we'd be a little more concerned about it.

It seems like all we did this weekend was shop. We were at Lowe's Friday and Sunday. I Christmas shopped most of the day on Saturday and then did the routine stuff yesterday (Target and HT). The good news is that we're almost done with our Christmas shopping. It's hard to believe it's only two weeks away! Due to the Lowe's trip, Mike spent most of the weekend working around the house. We now have blinds everywhere (but that pesky really high foyer window), hooks in the bathroom (I'm rejoicing on the inside! more towels in the floor), rocking chairs on both porches, a garage door opener, a new vacuum (ours kicked the bucket on Saturday night), a wreath on the front door....and I'm sure a ton of other things I can't even remember. The house is slowly, but surely getting there. Does anyone know how to add more hours to the day?

I put food as one of the words because we tried a restaurant in downtown Huntersville for the first time. "Lupie's" is only a mile from the house and is sure to become one of our "regular" places. It's a meat and two veggies kind of place.....and cheap!! Mike had chili and I had the bbq plate. For you Charlotte people think of a place kind of between "Dish" and "Penguin". I also met Flip for lunch at "Manzetti's" while I was out shopping on Satuday. I just LOVE that place. I'm going through withdrawal since we don't live across the street from it anymore. I'm also going through withdrawal from Flip, so it was great to be able to just sit and talk. Flip and I both know how Mike misses trying to watch tv with us, when all we would do is talk instead. Ha. Last night we tried a new marinade with pork and it was excellent! The best part was I didn't have to cook!

Yesterday we continued our tour of the local churches in our area. A couple of weeks ago we tried Huntersville UMC and yesterday we tried Mt. Zion UMC. Right now Huntersville is leading the pack (it helps it's 1/2 mile away). I think we both just felt more comfortable there. There's one more we want to try on the west side of town. We both know we need to get better at going more regularly.

I promise to have a more interesting post later in the week. We weren't that exciting this weekend (although the new vacuum was pretty exciting, only Julie will understand that).

Please keep Mike's Uncle Harold in your thoughts and prayers. He had a fever Friday night, which led to emergency surgery because he had an infection from the previous surgery. As of yesterday he was still in the hospital. Everyone who has met him knows how much he appreciates all of your well wishes. Keep them coming!

The computer at home is still not working, so no pictures. We have some really cute ones of the "children" too. Keep your fingers crossed that we can find time to get it fixed this week.

And Mike.....feel free to correct my errors. What would I do without you? ;-).


At 11:26 AM, December 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lowe's. Penguin.


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