Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dad's Dad's Sketch

My dad wrote this article in his church newsletter this week, and it reminds me that even the little things in life can be enjoyed - even savored - when we view those things with greater curiosity and deeper meaning. When I graduated from college (lo, those many years ago), Dad also gave me a book called Spiritual Literacy, which touches on the same concept: that our ordinary, everyday objects, rituals, places, and thoughts can take on a spiritual role in our lives when we consider how much they truly mean to us. So just stop - STOP - whatever you're doing tomorrow and think about who and what are really the most important people, places, things, and thoughts in your life.

Maybe I'll end up with a framed copy of that newsletter article on the mantle in my living room someday.

Oh, and for any of you out there who are new to the concept of blogs, feel free to leave us a comment if you'd like. There's a link at the end of each post for you to do just that.


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