Thursday, December 14, 2006

Carolina Blue with Envy

I had just left for work this morning in the pea soup we woke up to in Mecklenburg County when my cell phone rang. My first thought was....I must have forgotten something at the house. My second thought in the world am I going to get my cell phone out of my purse (in the floor), and not wreck in the 10 foot visiblity I was driving in. I finally get to my phone and it was my Dad. And yes Dad, I have to leave for work at 7. That's one of the joys of living 18 miles from the office now. Man I miss that mile commute I used to have.....right Flip? Made it to work safe and sound though. For once my fellow commuters slowed down due to the fog.....what a concept. Ha. point. My Dad was like a kid on Christmas morning. He was on his way to Chapel Thrill for a Tar Heel Sports network lunch at the Dean Dome (on the floor of the Dean Dome to be exact) with Roy Williams. One of his buddies got invited and could bring a guest, so naturally he thought of Dad. Thanks to Merle for giving my Dad an early Christmas gift!

It makes me realize how much I really miss getting to go to campus more than I do. We try to get up there a couple of times a year, but it still isn't enough. There's truly something special about that place. This year we spent a few days there for the Furman game and visited some of the old haunts. Even though Mike and I knew each other in college, it's nice to go back together and share it together. I'll never forget our first Homecoming there together. No sleep, early morning, great company (Kathryn and Andrew), and a win over Miami!!!...doesn't get much better than that. I really miss Sutton's hamburgers, sitting in the pit between classes with Jay and whatever other drumline member we ran into, reading the Daily Tar Heel in class, and just being in the Southern Tip of Heaven daily. I could make a list of a 1000 things I love about that place.....I hope Kristen gets the same chance to fall in love with Chapel Hill that I did. Keep your fingers crossed for her, she should hear by the end of January. It's really where I grew up and became an adult. I wonder where I would be today if I had gone somewhere else. That's pretty hard to imagine.

That's enough of going down memory lane. I really need to do a better job of keeping in touch with everyone though. Hopefully posting to the blog more often will help.

Dad....I know you won't see this until afterwards, but have a great day in Chapel Hill! Everyone else....just have a great day and remember that through all this fog (still hanging around)...the sky is Carolina Blue.

Go Heels!


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