Tuesday, February 07, 2006

To Everything... Turn, Turn, Turn...

My old college roomie, Brendan, once mentioned that he thought all of the world's problems were caused by people who didn't use turn signals. So now every time someone doesn't use a turn signal, I get frustrated... then I think of Brendan. And I don't know if we can place the burden of all the world's woes squarely on the shoulders of the non-signalers, but maybe Brendan was onto something. Maybe there's at least a six-degrees-of-separation type of association to be made there...

  • There's a hole in the ozone layer. Who's to blame? Probably "Those Who Don't Signal". They cause the rest of us to delay with uncertainty while we wait for the blinker-less to signal their intentions... meaning we run our engines longer, sending more harmful CO2 into the air than is really necessary. Or consider this... we might not be buying all these gas-guzzling SUV behemoths to feel "safe" in if we didn't have to worry about whether a lane-changer was one day going to come over unannounced.
  • Your kids are getting bad grades in school? Talk to the signal-averse among you. I'm sure you'll find that they're slovenly, lazy folk who are setting a bad example for your young 'uns. No wonder Junior thinks he doesn't have to use his brain. To him, it's just like a turn signal: there for no apparent reason.
  • Did work suck today? Ask your boss if, while on the way to the office, he/she got cut off by someone who didn't use a turn signal. The answer will be something like, "Where did you get those psychic powers, and why aren't you at your desk?!"
  • Food taste bad? It's because the economy went in the toilet when all those non-signalers caused a nationwide spike in the frequency of road rage, meaning the number of tickets written for traffic violations increased dramatically across the country, resulting in a high percentage of fines and/or court costs being paid out of pocket, leading to a "save more, spend less" mentality in middle-class America. And when that happens, restaurants cut corners to keep their profit margins high.

I'm off my soap box. Just please use your blinkers, people.

And here's a picture for those of you who are more visually stimulated and have been lamenting the lack of imagery in this here blog lately. It was taken from my living room (yes, I was safely indoors) and it should be pretty self-explanatory... but I'm going to try and explain it anyway: the lightning bolt originated in the clouds and terminated on the ground, probably striking the vehicle of someone who had just turned without signaling. Now you thunderstorm fans out there can't say I never gave you anything.


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