Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Got Another One

Good News, Good News! I got another interview next week! It's an Account Executive position for a company right down the street from the office. I'll get more details at the interview next Tuesday. Everyone keep their fingers crossed that this is the one. If it's not, anyone know someone who's hiring? Just kidding. Flip had a good interview this week too and is waiting for her 2nd one. Good Luck Flip!

I am LOVING my new car. I promise we'll have some pictures on here soon. I keep forgetting until it's dark outside. I think my favorite part of the car is the color....brown in the sun, gray in the shade. I am so happy to have a sunroof again, now I just need summer to hurry up and get here to use it more and more. Welcome Beulah!

Not much else going on that we haven't told you about. We're already starting to lose a few people at work, getting our bonus I think had something to do with it. We're working on our internal audit at work right now....can I just say that whoever Sarbanes and Oxley are, they made public companies miserable. I know Heidi will know what I'm talking about. For about 15 questions I used 1000 sheets of paper for back-up, ridiculous.

Tomorrow night is our monthly third thursday dinner club. This month we're going to Boudreaux's in NoDa. We're really looking forward to it, especially Mike. I finally remembered to invite a friend from college and his girlfriend too. It'll be nice to catch up with them.

Sorry for the boring post, but we've been neglecting our blog and it was feeling lonely. Here's to bright sunny skies tomorrow, good Cajun food, and college basketball......what could be better?

P.S. Anybody got any good party food ideas. I need to take something to my manager's going away shin-dig on Sat. Nothing fancy, just munchies. Just ready to try something new.


At 2:47 AM, March 16, 2006, Blogger heidiy said...

J - I sooo know what you're talking about! Sarbanes Oxley is just a ploy to make money for all the auditing firms. That and to waste just about every second of every day for otherwise productive employees. I'm convinced of it. Good luck on the interview!


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