Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I Will Talk And Hollywood Will Listen

  1. I can waste a lot of time surfing my friends' profiles on myspace. I really can. But I'll be danged if I'm going to continue to frantically scroll until I find the stop button(s) just so I can turn peoples' songs and videos off and enjoy my own music. So to all you myspace addicts out there: I love checking to see what's new on your page, but I detest the 30-second frenzy that is me trying to stop the music. And don't get me wrong... I looooove music. Oh, how I love music. So you can feel free to give me a link to any song you want, and I will go and listen to it. Promise. I'll even come back to your page. So let's compromise, why don't we? How about you provide the webpage and I'll provide the soundtrack? Hm?

  2. Anyone ever been to Chattanooga? If so, we want to know the best part about your visit there. Before Saturday morning.

  3. Would someone please tell me why this man couldn't find a better place to sleep? He was like this at 3:00 one afternoon on South Tryon Street in Charlotte. A police officer came by shortly after the photo was taken and made the guy move. Hard to tell in the photo, but those cars were doing like 35-40 miles per hour.

  4. That's all for now. Thanks for reading.


At 9:44 AM, August 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have listened. And We hate the myspace music too. Unless it's Glen Phillips. He can do whatever he wants as far as We're concerned.


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