Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How Can It Already Be Over?

Merry Day after Christmas everybody! Only 364 shopping days until Christmas 2007!!

We've been two busy little elves, so I thought I'd catch everybody up on our Christmas happenings. Our Christmas started last Wednesday night. Flip came over for dinner and to exchange presents. I think she just wanted to come visit her nephews and niece. They miss their "Aunt Flip". I had the brilliant idea to try a new recipe. It was good....but it made two 9x13 pans for enchiladas and there were only 3 of us. Mike ended up with tomatillo sauce all over him and the kitchen too. It was hilarious....now. Hot liquid + blender = explosion. I'm still finding tomato seeds. Thanks again to Flip for all the great C & B stuff....and the microplane....she knows how much we both love cheese....we've already put it to good use.

Thursday night we just cleaned up around the house and hung out. Nothing exciting. Mike had Friday off and I got off a little early so we took advantage of some rare nap time and then headed out for the evening. We started out at Ann and Harold's for dinner and so we could see the Davis clan (and so I could meet Linville and Scamp). Scott and Lanier---hope you're having a great time in Belize! Then it was off to Dorian's to see the old Ford gang and my old boss who was in town from NH. It was great to see everyone! Thanks again to Dorian for hosting us all.

Saturday we had my entire family come to see the house for the first time. We hung out with them, got some lunch (stupid Lupie's had to be closed) and then they headed back home. It was GORGEOUS here on Saturday, so we took advantage and walked to get Moa at the groomer. Had some veg time, went and grabbed some dinner (Japanese, yummmm) and packed up for Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve was Christmas morning at our house. All of the "children" were happy with their stockings. Moa is so cute....he thinks everything in a stocking is for him. The cats got a catnip mat that we're only able to give them for short amounts of time....they went nuts. I was able to surprise Mike with his ladder golf set (how I kept it from him that long is a miracle). Santa was very good to both of us. Then it was off to church and lunch with the DeBerry's. I headed to Lenoir, hung out with Mom, went to church with Dad, and then back to Dad's for a ton of food and our annual National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation viewing. Mike hung out at his parents, went to the Christmas Eve service, had the annual Christmas Eve lasagna, Christmas with Harold and Ann, played an elf at the Schaen's, and then back to the DeBerry's in time to get in bed before Santa came.

Christmas morning started at Dad's for me, then Mom's, Grandma Dot's, back to Mom's, then to Mooresville, and eventually back home. Mike spent the day at his parents with all of his family. Thank you to everyone for everything! You really did too much. It was cold and rainy here so we made some of my Mom's Christmas tea after unloading the cars, had some "talk" time on the couch, and then broke out Mike's "Fraggle Rock" DVD's he got. Santa (aka Mom and Dad D.) did well!

Now I'm at work and Mike's at home getting ready for the all of the DeBerry, Coates, and Deal clan who are coming over for dinner tonight. I hope y'all are hungry!

It always seems that you blink and Christmas is gone. It really is my favorite time of year, even if we do have to rush around to get everything done. I'm glad that we both were able to spend some time together, time with our loved ones, be reminded of the reason for the season, and cherish every moment. Thanks again for making it a great Christmas!!


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