Monday, January 22, 2007

What to write, what to write.....

We've neglected our blog for a few days and really have no good excuse. We had a really good weekend, but uneventful....sometimes that's the best kind.

Friday night we just hung out at home and tried another restaurant in Huntersville. It turns out it's run by the same people that own the Chinese restaurant in Mooresville that we've been to a lot with Mike's parents. "Lotus Bowl" is now on our recommended places to eat in Hooterville. Then back home for a Fraggle Rock episode and we hit the hay pretty early.

Saturday I actually got up early (what's up with that), while Mike and Moa were sacked out until later in the morning. I made the cats come with me so they wouldn't be disturbed. Later on I did our weekly shopping for the house while Mike mowed the yard and straightened up the living room. Saturday night we went to dinner with Mike's parents and Grandma at McAllister's. Potato soup in a bread bowl.......another one of my favorite things. Then back home to watch the Heels beat the Yellow Jackets (sorry Phil, guess we were the happy ones after the game).

Yesterday was a lazy Sunday morning (including more Fraggle Rock). We finally made ourselves get out of the house and went and perused some furniture stores. We saw a few things we liked, but nothing that made us want to pull out the check book. It was more of an ideas kind of trip. Mike cooked an excellent dinner last night, which we ate while watching the Extreme Home episode in Raleigh. He still can't believe I don't know how to make homemade mashed potatoes.....I promise I can cook....just never have really made those or tried.

Well, that's a recap of our weekend. I warned you that it wasn't very exciting.

Oh....Happy Late Birthday to Mike's Uncle Harold, my Uncle Mike, and Kristen. Hope y'all had great birthdays! Hope to see you all soon!

One of us will try to post some pictures tonight to liven up our little corner of the internet world.

When someone figures out how we can have a 30-minute work week....can you let me know? That's how the Fraggles do it!


At 4:34 PM, January 22, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

You don't know how to make homemade mashed potatoes?

At 5:11 PM, January 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made them. With real butter, sauteed garlic, and fresh parmesan, no less.

At 11:49 PM, January 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess: Laura would be very disappointed in me if she knew that after over 2 years of living together, I did not teach you how to make mashed potatoes.

At 8:02 AM, January 23, 2007, Blogger Jess said...

Flip: But why would we have made mashed potatoes when there was always your famous hash browns!?! I miss those and your salmon patties.....and you of course!

And for the record, I'm sure I could figure out mashed potates...but Mike's were so good....I think I'm going to keep claiming I don't know how :-).


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