Thursday, February 09, 2006

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

That's right....Charlotte saw three snowflakes today and everyone still had to go to work. They're calling for more this weekend! I'm usually a summer girl through and through, but it would be nice to at least see the ground covered in snow one time this year.

Here are the pictures I promised y'all last night. The first two I took at the Super Bowl party. Mazzie is standing at the door wanting to go outside and celebrate with the boys. The last two are of Patches and Moa being their normal lazy selves. Patches favorite place to lay is on top of my DVR, I'd hate to see how much hair is down in there....shhhh, don't tell Time Warner.

Tonight was pretty quiet. Flip and I went to Manzetti's for dinner and then watched "Dancing with the Stars".....she's finally sucked me into it. Stacy Keebler has the longest legs ever. It's just not fair.

We're heading to Hickory/Lenoir this weekend to visit with the family, see Izzy, and watch Kristen cheer. Go Panthers!...Hibriten that is. So see you guys after the weekend and stay warm.


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