Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Another random posting from Jess

I'm kind of like Mike in his last post....I really don't know what to write. I guess I'll give you an update on what's going on in our world.

Just got off the phone with Mike. He's headed back from his weekly basketball game. I'm happy to report that there were no injuries tonight. Here at the Flippin/Messer homestead, we've been just hanging out and getting ready for our Easter weekends in Hudson, Mooresville, and Collinstown.

Tomorrow is going to be a happy and sad day. Flip has accepted a job with CIT and tomorrow is her last day at FMCC. She'll have a short break over the weekend and then she'll start at her new job on Tuesday. I'm so jealous.....her new office is uptown. Although I'll be lucky enough to still see her every day, it's still going to be strange not to see her just 3 desks away at work. She's done more for our office then most people realize, and I hope she knows how much everyone will miss her.

The job hunt has hit a lull this week. There has been one bit of good news though. It looks like an analyst position is going to open up in our other Charlotte office (next door to us). They haven't posted it yet...but I'm 99% sure that I'm going to apply for it....I'd be kind of stupid not to. This way I can keep my pay (with the raise I got today) and my vacation time.....and as everybody keeps telling's easier to find a job when you have one. So the job hunt is still going strong, but at least I have this in my back pocket.

This past weekend our very own Flip had a birthday. All of the girls surprised her Friday night during a gathering we had at the apartment on Friday night. She thought we were all getting together for a Body Shop party (like the store in the mall), but right as we got started, we surprised her with a Birthday cake and other surprises. We all spent the night together just hanging out and then headed out for a night on the town. A good time was had by all, and somehow Ashley got up the next morning to run a 10k.....better her than me.....I slept until noon. Sunday (her actual birthday), Mike and I took her to brunch at 300 East and then went to see "Sheer Madness" at Blumenthal. All of you in Charlotte.....GO SEE THIS PLAY....Julie highly recommended it to us, and I agree. It's sort of interactive and tons of fun. I hope Flip enjoyed her weekend as much as we enjoyed planning it for her. I'm just surprised we kept it a secret for as long as we did.

The rest of the weekend was nice too. I just got some stuff done around the house on Saturday...and then Mike and I went out on a date. He called me the Wed. before and officially asked me out.....isn't he the best? We went to Cantina 1511, yum....and then went to see Ice Age 2. Sunday night we ended up at the Starbucks on East Blvd and sat and talked forever. I'd repeat last weekend over and over if possible, it was really nice. Makes me realize how much we need to appreciate the great friends we have....they truly become your family.

Well in case we don't get time to post before we leave for our Easter/Izzy's Birthday weekend....everyone have a great weekend and stay safe.

I don't know if it's me or my computer, but blogger really does not like to post pictures for me....guess ya'll will have to wait for pictures of the "kids".

Happy early Birthday Izzy!


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