Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A glance at the past

A couple of weekends ago Mike was nice enough to spend most of a weekend downloading a TON of pictures that I "borrowed" from my mom to scan. We're up to about age 7 0r 8....right on that edge of awkwardness. We each have our favorites out of the bunch, so I thought I'd share a few of them with you.

There has always been a Mike in my life. Now I am blessed to have two that are special to me. I think from the day I was born I wanted to be just like my Uncle Mike. There's only 10 years between us so we're much more like brother and sister. I never knew this picture existed until I was going through these old pictures. I'm assuming we were on our way to one of his football games....I'm sure I was wearing that jersey later that day, I always did....and the helmet. This has to be one of my favorite pictures ever. My Uncle Mike now lives in Arkansas, and I don't get to see him often enough. I hope he knows how often I think of him and that we miss him terribly.

Christmas is and always be my favorite holiday. I was either two or three in this picture....I'm not really sure. It's funny how you can look at an old picture that you forgot about and it can take you back to that spot. I remember hanging these ornaments year after year and I can picture our old house in the country just like it was yesterday. Hard to believe it's been almost 20 years since we lived there. Mom, remember that first Christmas in the new house? Boxes everywhere, but it still felt like Christmas. It's those times together with family that you take for granted growing we get older we wish they happened more often.

Well, since we....I mean Mike....downloaded over 150 pictures for me, I'm sure they'll be more in the future. Here's hoping that we all find the little kid inside and grin from ear to ear over something small in the next few days. It's the small stuff that means the most.

Job update: I got an offer from the company I interviewed with yesterday. I actually got the offer last night and was really excited since the interview went really well.....until I opened the offer letter. It was much less than I make now. After counter offering today, we weren't able to make it work. It's kind of sad because I liked the company and the people I interviewed with....but at the end of the day you have to take care of you and yours.....and the $$ at this job was not going to do it. Pray that I made the right decision and another door opens soon. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


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