Saturday, February 18, 2006

Lo and Behold...

Do you ever wonder what happens when blogs collide? It'll be interesting to find out what Heidi writes in her next entry, considering the fact that she was just here barely 24 hours ago. [sarcasm] Seems the good folks at US Airways came through for her at the last minute yesterday when she wasn't going to be able to make the last leg (the Charlotte - Savannah part) of her flight from State College. [/sarcasm] So Jess provided a place for Heidi to rest her weary head overnight. We picked Ms. Pawpads up at the airport at around 10:15, came back to the apartment, talked for a while, and then I headed home and everyone hit the hay. This morning, we headed to Pike's Old Fashioned Soda Shop for an omelette (or in Jess' case... french toast) before dropping Heidi off at the airport. It was definitely good to see Cooper's/Kona's mom and catch up just a bit. Let's just hope she didn't have any more surprises on the way home today.

For all you North Carolinians out there... how about this weather, huh? Thursday and Friday, everyone was grilling, walking their dogs, riding their bikes... and you could actually smell Spring in the air (although it was more like a faint whiff from a distance). Today, it's FREAKIN' cold and rainy, and everyone's bundled up for protection from the wet and the wind. Mother Nature... she's so moody this time of year.

Speaking of mothers... tomorrow, J and I are headed up to Mooresville to help my mom mind the nursery at church. Should be fun considering that neither of us has any diaper-changing experience. We just hold 'em for a little bit, wave colorful toys in their faces, then give 'em back to their parents. Fine with us. We're kind of like the guys who come in off the bench to give the starters a rest -- just trying not to screw anything up while we're in there. We'll be sure and let you know how that turns out.

Anywho... G'night, peeps... hope you're all safely tucked into your own comfortable beds this evening. See you again soon.


At 2:42 PM, February 19, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

OK, cannot POSSIBLY be complaining about the cold weather!! That same spring-like weather was here, too, but yesterday...the high was 4...yeah, that's right, 4. The low, -11...yep, 11 BELOW!!! You don't get any sympathy from me, mister!


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