Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weee're Baaaaaaaaaack!

Home Sweet Home! We're back from our weekend trip to home (mine). I've unpacked, done by daily job-hunting, and thought I'd catch ya'll up on our too short weekend and share a few pictures.

I took Friday as a vacation day. I needed a "catch-up" I did some stuff around the house, went and got Mike's Valentine's Day gift, and got packed for the trek to Hickory. How is it already time for Valentine's Day? This year is really flying by. We did find out on Friday that my manager is leaving for our NH office in April. He's the best boss I've ever had and will really miss him. I've really got to start preparing myself for all the good-byes I'll have to say the next couple of months :-(.

For those of you that have asked,we have not received any updates on our friend that had surgery last week since Thursday. As of Thursday she was still in ICU because she was not reproducing blood at an acceptable rate. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. The "girls" are planning a trip to go see her as soon as she's home and ready to have visitors. If this teaches us girls anything it is to GET YOUR YEARLY CHECK-UP!!!....and that's an order. I love ya'll way too much to see any of us to go through something like this.

On a happier note, my friend in Chicago, Andrea had a baby boy on Friday. I just talked to her and they're both doing well. His name is Jacob and he was 6 lbs 11 ounces...20 inches long. She's due to get out of the hospital on Tuesday and is bored to tears but doing well. Only bad news is that now there is another White Sox and Packers fan in the world. Heaven help us. Just kidding. Go Cubs!

Now....back to this weekend. I picked up Mike after he got off work and we took off like a bat out of you know where to get to Hickory. No lie...we hit every red light on the way there. Luckily, traffic was not too bad so we dropped Moa off at my Dad's and cut across the country to get to Kristen's ballgame. It was the West Caldwell/Hibriten cross town game and it was PACKED! The girl's lost right at the buzzer and the boys got trampled, but I finally got to see her cheer this year. I've posted a picture of their halftime routine. It was really hard to get good pictures with so many people there. She's the fourth one back on the right side. After that we stopped by Debbie's and then headed back to Hickory and got a bite to eat at the Tavern.

Saturday we slept in and then went and spent the day with my mom and watched it snow!! We didn't get much, but it was pretty while it lasted. Of course, we had lunch at Hannah's Barbeque. Sometime on a future blog I'll need to post a list of my favorite restaurants....and there's many. rofl. We went back to the house and Mom and I went through old pictures while Mike camped out in front of ESPN. He was such a trouper. We found some great old pictures, so I'm going to scan them and return them....I promise Mom...nothing will happen to the picture of Mike (my uncle) and me when I was about 2. I didn't know it existed and I LOVE IT! Once we get all of them scanned, I'm sure ya'll will be sick of pictures of me when I was little. Then we stopped by my brothers to see Izzy for a minute and got some more pictures. She's the biggest camera in point above. She loves Moa and my purse....I'm teaching her early. And then.....we did dinner with Dad since Debbie, the kids, and my grandmother all had the flu. There's nothing better than good Italian food on a cold snowy night

This morning we got up, went to church with dad, grabbed some lunch and then headed back to Charlotte. Now it's time for dinner and then the Carolina/Miami game. Go Heels!

I NEED a favor from someone that doesn't live in Charlotte. My roommate and I are addicted to Gilmore Girls and it's being preempted on Tuesday night by the Duke/Wake Forest game. Can someone tell me if it's the Valentine's Day episode that's airing in your area? We looked to see if it's playing later and can't find it. Skipping a Gilmore Girls episode is just not acceptable! Now I have even more of a reason to hate Duke and Wake. Ha!


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