Wednesday, April 19, 2006

More of Izzy's 1st Birthday Weekend

As if you didn't get enough of Izzy's birthday in Mike's post, here's some more. I just couldn't help myself. This year she got a birthday weekend, we'll have to work her up to a full birthday week. It takes practice. This picture is from Friday. Mike and I got her this outfit last summer at the Cubs game. She finally fits into it. Let's hope she brings them better luck this year. Go Cubs!

Here is a picture pre birthday cake on Saturday. Isn't she just precious? I never understood the phase "they just grow up too fast" until I saw her WALKING this weekend. She was hilarious opening presents. She's defintely her aunt's neice....she was all into the clothes....I had nothing to do with that. Yeah, right. One of my favorite memories was post cake on Sat. We had her in the bathroom sink rinsing her off and all she wanted to do was stick her feet in the water and just laugh and laugh. She really has stolen all of our hearts, especially her aunt Jess.

Saturday was absolutely beautiful at home. Here's a picture of Moa hanging out in my Mom's flower garden. He was a real trooper since I drug him all over the place with me. He would have stayed outside all weekend in the sun if he could have. He's just so handsome.

Mom's lily of the valley was starting to bloom in the front yard and here's one of the shots I got of them. It's my birth flower and one of my favorites. The green and the white together are just gorgeous. Just wanted to share one of my favorite things with you. If I ever get a yard these will be in it.

Everyone wish Mike luck for tomorrow. He's got his phone interview in the morning. I know you'll do great Sweetie! It's nice for me to be able to support you as much as you've been supporting me. I don't know what I would do without you. Good Luck!!!!


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