Thursday, May 04, 2006

We've really got to get better at this

We have good excuses for not posting to the blog recently....I soon as I think of one I'll let you know. It just seems sometimes like we need more hours in the day. It's sad to say though that as Americans we would just try to cram even more stuff into a day then and not get the r&r that we all need and deserve.

Life has been a little nuts for us both lately. Mike hasn't heard from the "Acme Co" yet, but they said it could be a few weeks. He really wants this job, so I hope that they see what we all already know which is that he is GREAT!!!! My job search has had another wave. It seems to come in spurts. I've had three interviews this week, and only have heard back from one. I had applied for a job with the Ford Credit office that will be left in Charlotte, and did not get the of the supervisors did. At least it will give me the kick in the pants I need to go after a new opportunity.

Let's see.....what else is going on......

Congratulations to Julie and Brad on their new house!! They found out it's all theirs last Thursday. If I don't find a job they've agreed to hire me on as a maid. Free room and board....can't beat that. They'll need all the help they can get for their new manse.

On a sadder note, we found out my Uncle Verlie may have bladder cancer. He's my grandmother's aunt's husband.....I know that sounds distant, but he's really close to our family. They're going to remove the tumor on Monday (?) and then we'll know more. In 75% of cases it's typically cancer. Please keep him in your prayers that he'll get good news.

I don't really think much else has happened lately. Flip is getting settled in at her new job and we're enjoying this gorgeous weather more and more everyday.

I better get back to work (shhh....don't tell anyone). Have a great Thursday!


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